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Siirry alas

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Viesti kirjoittaja Admin Ti Syys 29, 2009 9:23 pm

General rules:

1. Spamming leads to banning.
-Flooding with smilies is spamming.
-Smilies in the middle of a Rope-text is as bad as spamming.

2. Giving your addresses etc. is done with PM, and PM only.
3. Obey forum administrators/moderators..
4. Links related to Pornographic or anything like that, will lead to ban.
5. No begging for moderator rights.

Rules of the Roleplay:

1. No godmoding. (aka munching ; being impossible to kill etc.)
2. Max 2 Rope-posts in a row.
3. You cant make up any spells while in-combat with someone.
4. Modern weapons/items are not allowed.
-Theres no dynamites etc. You may use black powder for your gun, but its rare and expensive).
5. If you want to join a clan, get to speak to someone who's in contact with the leader.
-In roleplay, of course.
6. Do not take things seriously. Killing in roleplays is normal, even if it feels bad to lose your char.
-You need owners confirmation to kill.


Viestien lukumäärä : 13
Join date : 23.09.2009

Takaisin alkuun Siirry alas

Takaisin alkuun

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